New website coming soon! For any queries about the club, please contact [email protected]


At Lewes FC Juniors the welfare of the young people is paramount. Every child or young person who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from poor practice and abuse. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in our club. It is mandatory for all coaches, managers and first aiders working with young people under the age of 18 to have in-date certificates for Safeguarding Children, Emergency Aid and an accepted FA Criminal Records Check. Committee members must also have Safeguarding training. To keep young people safe, it is everyone’s responsibility to report concerns whether you are a player, parent, member of the public, a club volunteer, coach, manager or committee member. 

If you have any concerns about safeguarding or about poor practice please contact:

                  Jonathan Barron, Lewes Junior FC Welfare Officer

                  [email protected]  or phone 07708670276

   Get In Touch with Sussex FA Safeguarding: Phone:  01903 768578 Email: [email protected]

If the Welfare Officers are not available you can contact

You can also call the 24 hour helplines –

  • FA NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
  • Childline 0800 1111

Where a child is at risk of immediate harm contact Police 999 in an emergency or 101 if less urgent.

          Lewes FC Juniors know good behaviour makes for a great game. #ForRespect #ForAll

For more information see The Sussex FA Safeguarding & Welfare

Respect is The FA’s programme of activities to combat unacceptable behaviour in our game at every level – on the pitch, and from the side-lines. Addressing unacceptable behaviour was the number one priority emerging from the biggest opinion survey to date of grassroots football in England.